Rapid City Groups
kingdom men
Men, we will find vision and perspective on our true identity in Christ and the responsibilities that come with it. Together we will walk through practical steps on how to become the men God has destined us to be.
Leader: Mike Reese
Location: Love Inc.
Date and Time: Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Child Friendly: Yes, Childcare Provided
Sew N Sews
We provide opportunities to learn quilting and sewing for the inexperienced and incredible opportunities for those who have experience. We do quilting, group sewing, individual sewing and make things that help missionaries around the world at our Missions Fair.
Leaders: Judi Koscak & Gail Madler
Location: Bethel Church Fellowship Hall
Date and Time: Thursdays at 10:00AM-3:00PM
Child Friendly: No
Bible and Crafts
If you enjoy learning about the Bible and crafting, this is the group for you. We will be doing a study that is followed by a craft the next week. Each week will be a time of great fellowship and fun as well as digging deeper into God’s Word.
Leader: Nicole Leblond
Location: LeBlond Home
Date and Time: 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00pm
Child Friendly: No
Disc Golf
This group is for anyone who needs some extra vitamin D, low impact exercises, and fellowship whilst going disc golfing! You can rent equipment with your Rapid City Public Library Card, and join us twice per month! We will read a brief devotional, & a few scripture verses too!
Leader: Teresa Plaggemeyer
Location: Alternating Between Lacroix and Jackson Park
Dates and time: 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 12pm
Child-Friendly: yes
Guys Like Us
If you have gray hair and are interested in spending fervent time in the Word and in prayer, this is the group for you!
Leader: Charles Nustad
Location: 3320 Dover St. Fellowship hall
Dates and Time: Tuesdays at 10:00 am
Child-friendly: no
New or experienced with sparring? We welcome all to our group!
Leader: Shawn HayfordLocation: Bethel Church Gym
Date and Time: 2nd and 4th Sundays at 3:00pm
Child Friendly: No
Women's Testimonies & Bible Study
Leader: Patti Reese
Location: Reese Home
Date and Time: Tuesdays at 6:30PM
Child Friendly: No
Clutter Conquerors
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the clutter in your home/life? Give yourself and your family a gift and join this journey with us to begin decluttering your world.
Warning: If you want results homework will be required.Leaders: Jackie Dittman
Location: Bethel Church
Dates and time: Wednesdays at 6:30-7:30PM
Imagine More...
Leader: Lynda Clary
Location: Bethel Church
Date and Time: Wednesday at 6:30PM
Child Friendly: Yes, Kids Church Available
When Helping Hurts
Join us for a time of fellowship as we learn how to truly help others.
Leader: Joey & Rhonda Dobbs
Location: Bethel Church
Date and Time: Wednesday at 6:30-7:30 PM
Child Friendly: Yes, Wednesday Night Church Available
Bible Quiz
Join us as we engage students in the Word of God, develop relationships with others and grow in encouragement and respect toward people
Leader: David Sullivan
Location: Bethel Church
Date and Time: Every Sunday Evening
Devo Diamonds
Join us as we create sparkling images, grow in fellowship with one another, and take a deeper look into God’s Word!
Leader: Abby LaCroix
Location: Bethel Church
Date and Time: TBD
Child Friendly: No
Edgemont Groups
being the body of christ
Our goal is to be available to the church & be able to reach out to the community in times of a disastrous event. We also want to educate and prepare for any natural crisis or financial crisis. Anyone can join us!
Leader: Robert Harding
Day/Time: Thursdays @ 6pm
Location: Bethel Church Edgemont
Child-Friendly?: No -
Going Deeper
The hope is that we can “GO DEEPER” as a church & follow up after the entire Sunday sermon series in our small groups with a view to specific application. The primary focus is on exploring the message and what the gospel says for our lives and our life together as believers.
Leaders : Brad & Nancy Zachow
Day/Time : Last Sunday of a Series following the service
Location: Bethel Church Edgemont
Lunch & Childcare provided -
husbands - Begins Oct 3rd
We will take a look at the importance of our role as husbands and how to live that out day by day as God intended. We will focus on husbands in the Bible & examine what they did right & wrong, & capture those lessons in order to intentionally apply them to our lives.
Leaders: Josh Harding & Larry Atkins
Day/Time: Mondays @ 5:30pm
Location: Bethel Church Sanctuary -
Joy is not just a happy feeling, but is a fruit of the Spirit that empowers us to remain stable and persevere through hard times so we can rise above them. Paul’s teaching on joy will equip us women to triumph over the greatest challenges to a joy filled life.
Leader: Nancy Zachow
Day/Time: Thursdays @ 12pm
Location: Nancy’s house -
Sew What?
This is a weekly meeting of women who want to get together for sewing, quilting, needle point and tie blankets. Come join us for a time of fellowship & crafting. Beginners and experts alike are all welcome.
Leader: Liz Daughtry
Day/Time: Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Location: Bethel Church Edgemont -
Women of the Bible
Ladies, let’s take a look at the women in the Bible, and the special role they have played throughout the Bible. God had a plan for each one of them, and He has a plan for you!
Leader: Karen Hartley
Day/Time: TBD